Quadratic Field Extension

The purpose of this project is a small library for doing infinite precision arithmetic for numbers made up of fractions and any number of square roots. By infinite precision, we mean that there is no rounding error. For those familiar enough with abstract algebra, they will recognize this as an implementation of quadratic field extensions of the fractions.

What do we mean by any number of square roots? First as a matter of notation, let sqrt() be the square root function. We mean numbers such as:

Let us next review how to use the classes in QuadraticField.cpp allow us to do arithmetic with such numbers.

Adding a Square Root

The operations are handled by the class QuadraticFieldTower. First, let’s create an instance using:

QuadraticFieldTower tower;

When first instantiated, an instance can only deal with fractions. We need to start by giving it a square root of a fraction to add to the list of numbers it can handle. The class will only add the square root if it can’t be expressed in terms of fractions (or integers). For example, sqrt(4) == 2, so the class won’t do anything if you try to add sqrt(4). However, it is a mathematical fact that sqrt(2) is NOT a fraction, so we may add it. So how would we add sqrt(2)?

First, we construct a vector with just one Rational element representing 2.

std::vector<Rational> square1(1, Rational(2,1));

Then, we add it to tower.


QuadraticFieldTower::addIfNoSqrRoot will first test if the number has a square root existing in the current number system. If not, then it will extend the number system to handle the new square root.

Now, tower can handle numbers such as 1/2 + 2/3 * sqrt(2). Such numbers are represented using vectors of length 2. For example, 1/2 + 2/3 * sqrt(2) is represented using a vector containing {Rational(1,2), Rational(2,3)}. For any such vector, we can see which number it represents using the printCoords function. Let’s try this out.

// Array holding coordinates of number.
Rational coordArray1[] = {Rational(1,2), Rational(2,3)}; 
// Put coordinates in a vector.
std::vector<Rational> coord1(coordArray1, coordArray1 + sizeof(coordArray1) / sizeof(Rational)); 

std::cout << printCoords(coord1);

We get

1/2 + 2/3r0

Here r0 represents the first square root added to tower. To see a list of the square roots added to tower, we can just run

std::cout << tower.print();

We get

r0 = sqrt( 2 )

Doing Some Operations

Now let’s do some basic operations with our numbers. Let’s add 1 + sqrt(2) and 2 + 3 * sqrt(2).

// First set up the coordinates of the numbers 1 + sqrt(2), 2 + 3 * sqrt(2), and coordinates of result.
Rational coordArray1 = {Rational(1,1), Rational(1,1)},
         coordArray2 = {Rational(2,1), Rational(3,1)};
std::vector<Rational> coord1(coordArray1, coordArray1 + sizeof(coordArray1) / sizeof(Rational)),
                      coord2(coordArray2, coordArray2 + sizeof(coordArray2) / sizeof(Rational)),

// Now use tower to add.
result = tower.add(coord1, coord2);
std::cout << printCoords(sum);

We get

3 + 4r0

Now, let’s try multiplication.

result = tower.multiply(coord1, coord2);
std::cout << printCoords(result);

We get

8 + 5r0

which is correct.

Now, let’s look at finding a square root.

Rational coordArray3[] = {Rational(22,1), Rational(12,1)};
std::vector<Rational> coord3(coordArray3, coordArray3 + sizeof(coordArray3) / sizeof(Rational)),
bool sqrtExists;

std::cout << "coord3 = " << printCoords(coord3) << std::endl;
sqrtExists = tower.hasSqrt(coord3, result);
std::cout << "sqrtExists = " << sqrtExists << std::endl
          << "square root = " << printCoords(result) << std::endl;

We get

coord3 = 22 + 12r0
sqrtExists = 1
square root = 2 + 3r0 

Which is correct, because the square of 2 + 3 * sqrt(2) is 22 + 12 * sqrt(2). Also, note that bool return value of QuadraticFieldTower::hasSqrt indicate whether the square root exists in the current number system. It is not always true such a square root exists. For an example, see the next section.

Adding More Square Roots

As we said before, not every number in our current system has a square root in the current system, i.e. of the form fraction + fraction * sqrt(2). For example the square root of 1 + sqrt(2) can not be found in the current number system. However, the number system can be extended again.

Rational newRootArray[] = {Rational(1,1), Rational(2,1)};
std::vector<Rational> newRoot(newRootArray, newRootArray + sizeof(newRootArray) / sizeof(Rational)};

cout << tower.print();

Now we have that the root list in tower is

r0 = sqrt( 2 )
r1 = sqrt( 1 + 1r0 )

Note that the function QuadraticFieldTower::addIfNowSqrRoot first tests to see if the square root exists in the current number system and only extends the number system if it does NOT exist.

Now, numbers represented in our system require four fractions.

Rational coord4Array[] = {Rational(1,1), Rational(2,1), Rational(3,1), Rational(4,1)};
std::vector<Rational> coord4(coord4Array, coord4Array + sizeof(coord4Array) / sizeof(Rational));

std::cout << printCoords(coord4);

We get

1 + 2r0 + 3r1 + 4r0r1

We can similarly do operations for these new numbers.

Note that everytime we extend the number system by adding a square root, we double the number of coordinates necessary.